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  • 品牌:Genemed Synthesis Inc.(GSI)
  • 产地:美国
  • 货号:EK-BMT-24
  • 发布日期: 2019-09-24
  • 更新日期: 2024-04-25
产地 美国
品牌 Genemed Synthesis Inc.(GSI)
货号 EK-BMT-24
检测方法 ELISA
检测限 见说明书
数量 96T/盒
标记物 见说明书
纯度 %
样本 见说明书
EK-BMT-24 牛肉掺假快速检测试剂盒1-hour Beef/Cow meat adulteration ELISA test (for beef or pig meat; 24 tests)
Microwell ELISA测试条(24/48/96孔),涂有马肉中发现的蛋白质的专有抗体。
? Kit contains all necessary critical reagents to complete the test in 1-hour with no lab equipment or instruments.
? Microwell ELISA test strips (24/48/96 wells), coated with proprietary antibodies to proteins found in horse meat
? Horse meat proteins Negative Control & Horse meat proteins positive controls
? Samples: Fresh or frozen meat grounded/sliced/patties(about 100 mg or a small meat fragment)
? The test produces blue/yellow color for positive samples.
? Sensitivity at 1 ppm (1 part per million) or 0.0001% (w/v).
? No interference from beef, pig, chicken, dog, cat, goat, sheep, mouse, rat and human meat proteins.
? Conveniently packaged in 24, 48 or 96 tests
? Kits are shipped at ambient or cold packages and stored at 4oC. Shelf life at least 6-months.

EK-BMT-48 牛肉掺假快速检测试剂盒1-hour Beef/Cow meat adulteration ELISA test (for beef or pig meat; 48 tests)
EK-BMT-96 牛肉掺假快速检测试剂盒1-hour Beef/Cow meat adulteration ELISA test (for beef or pig meat; 96 tests)
EK-DMT-24 狗肉掺假快速检测试剂盒1-hour Dog meat adulteration ELISA test (for beef or pig meat; 24 tests)
EK-DMT-48 狗肉掺假快速检测试剂盒1-hour Dog meat adulteration ELISA test (for beef or pig meat; 48 tests)
EK-DMT-96 狗肉掺假快速检测试剂盒1-hour Dog meat adulteration ELISA test (for beef or pig meat; 96 tests)
EK-HMT-24 马肉掺假快速检测试剂盒1-hour Horse meat adulteration ELISA test (for beef or pig meat; 24 tests)
EK-HMT-48 马肉掺假快速检测试剂盒1-hour Horse meat adulteration ELISA test (for beef or pig meat; 48 tests)
EK-HMT-96 马肉掺假快速检测试剂盒1-hour Horse meat adulteration ELISA test (for beef or pig meat; 96 tests)
EK-PMT-24 猪肉掺假快速检测试剂盒1-hour Pig meat adulteration ELISA test (for beef or pig meat; 24 tests)
EK-PMT-48 猪肉掺假快速检测试剂盒1-hour Pig meat adulteration ELISA test (for beef or pig meat; 48 tests)
EK-PMT-96 猪肉掺假快速检测试剂盒1-hour Pig meat adulteration ELISA test (for beef or pig meat; 96 tests)
EK-RMT-24 鼠肉掺假快速检测试剂盒1-hour Rat meat adulteration ELISA test (for beef or pig meat; 24 tests)
EK-RMT-48 鼠肉掺假快速检测试剂盒1-hour Rat meat adulteration ELISA test (for beef or pig meat; 48 tests)
EK-RMT-96 鼠肉掺假快速检测试剂盒1-hour Rat meat adulteration ELISA test (for beef or pig meat; 48 tests)