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  • 品牌:Diagnostics Biochem Canada, Inc.
  • 产地:加拿大
  • 货号:CAN-FPSA-4400
  • 价格: ¥2500/盒
  • 发布日期: 2019-06-14
  • 更新日期: 2024-04-24
产地 加拿大
品牌 Diagnostics Biochem Canada, Inc.
货号 CAN-FPSA-4400
检测方法 ELISA
检测限 0.05 ng/mL
数量 96孔/盒
纯度 %
样本 血清

产品货号Reference: CAN-FPSA-4400
检测方法Kit Type: Sandwich ELISA
规格Kit Size: 96-well break-apart microplate
灵敏度Sensitivity: 0.05 ng/mL
检测样本Sample Type: Human serum / 50 μL
校准范围Calibrator Range: 0.1–15 ng/mL
检测时间Total Assay Time: 75 minutes

前列腺特异性抗原(PSA)是由前列腺上皮细胞分泌的一种分子量为33 kDa的糖蛋白。在人血清中,前列腺特异性抗原主要与α-1-抗糜蛋白酶结合,但与其他血清蛋白结合的程度较小。只有一小部分PSA以游离形式存在(自由PSA)。男性血清PSA的正常值低于4 ng/mL。PSA浓度升高表明前列腺病理改变,包括良性前列腺增生(BPH)和前列腺癌。游离PSA(FPSA)已被研究,试图帮助区分BPH和未 的前列腺癌。这些研究表明,未 的前列腺癌患者游离PSA/总PSA比值低于BPH患者。
Prostate specific antigen (PSA) i s a 3 3-kDa glycoprotein secreted by epithelial cells of the prostate gland. In human serum, PSA is primarily complexed with α1-antichymotrypsin, and to a lesser extent with other serum proteins. Only a small fraction of PSA is present as the free form (free PSA). The expected normal level of PSA in male serum is lower than 4 ng/mL. A rise in the concentration of PSA indicates prostate pathology, including benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and prostate cancer. Free PSA (fPSA) has been studied in attempts to help distinguish BPH from untreated prostate cancer. These studies have shown that the ratio of free PSA / total PSA is lower in untreated prostate cancer than in patients with BPH.